Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I have my room back! And some updates!

Not that I didn't have my room before. I've just been sleeping on the past couch for the past month. We had a friend living with us for a bit. I mean, we were sharing a room, but then I got sick, and sometimes it's easiest to sleep on the couch when your sick (especially when sharing a room and when you sleep on the top bunk) and I was sick for three weeks... then it was just easier to stay on the couch until they had cleared everything up with the apartment they were moving into. Just moved into. Like, today.


So, if you've been on the blog recently, or if you're on it now, you'll have noticed that I changed the color scheme. I wanted something brighter, because the light text on dark background was really making my eyes hurt. I would've left it blue, but all the blue backgrounds I liked were dark blue. So. Yellow!

The yellow doesn't look too bad, I think, and, hey, it matches a Days feel! And I know we're all psyched for KH1.5! It's kind of ruining with my BBS playing. But I've also just been putting of BBS due to being lazy. And school and writing take precedence. 

Speaking of KH1.5, you'll have noticed I added a countdown clock to it's release date! I figured "why not?" and I found a great site that lets you create and embed countdown clocks. Thankfully it was compatible with blogger's gadgets!

Yesterday, I went through and color-coded that list of Replicas I had. You'll find said list (lists, technically) at the top of the site, with the rest of the pages, under "Replicas".
That's a shortened title of "Replicas in my KH-verse", because I have a lot of pages! There's just barely enough room for another page, which I'll need for book 5! Who knows what I'll do if I need more pages? Delete a few? I guess I could get rid of the Meltdown Project page (the one on posterous is better, anyway...), maybe add it to the "sites I like" gadget.


Today, I sat down and reorganized my soundtrack to a more chronological order. The Dead Inside tracks were organized in "SoKai", "Shad", and "Namiku" sections. It was ridiculous. So, the soundtrack page has been updated, too.
Not only have I reorganized the track listing, a few songs have been added, a few have been removed, and I added descriptions/where this song goes in the fic notes for nearly every song.
I also split the list into sections so that you know which songs go with the Truth Hurts, and which with Falling to Pieces, and which with Dead Inside. Not sure why I didn't do that before... It would've been smart of me.

And, uhm, there are like, three chapter commentary posts before this one (it might be four)

And, since you've apparently all missed it...? I'VE STARTED UPDATING DEAD INSIDE AGAIN! The... sort-of hiatus is over.
I mean, there's been all of one chapter posted, but I have a second one ready for posting, and a third one that needs to be beta'd, and then I'm in the middle of writing one. I should go work on that nowish.

I think that's all the updates. Blog color change. Replica page added. Soundtrack page updated.


Have a nice evening!

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