Monday, February 4, 2013

Erm... no clue what to label this post

But I just discovered something interesting

So, we all know that Vanitas looks like Sora because Sora connected with Ven's heart and yata yata

But, APPARENTLY there's a little extra detail that involves the fact that Sora used the DARK PART of his heart to help heal Ven

Which, makes total sense

if Ven was pure light, then Sora would need to use his darkness to make up for the darkness Ven lacks


I realize as I'm typing this that this totally shoots the "Ven is pure light" thing out of the air if you think about it too much


Oh well

I really just wanted to post/share this because "Sora using the darkness of his heart to help heal Ven" made absolute perfect sense in my head when I first saw it (only questioning it now because of the possibly contradiction to Ven being pure light) because you need light and darkness to make a heart complete (in Ven's case, anyway) and it would be darkness that Sora needed to provide to restore Ven's incomplete heart

I probably just over explained that

but whatevers

I should... probably restart my computer now so it can install updates


KKBeckett said...

Ah, darn. I kind of like the idea that Ven is all light. But, I mean, this makes sense. Everyone needs a balance of light and darkness I guess.
Still though, I have to wonder the deeper implications of Sora using the dark part of his heart to heal Ven. I haven't played 3D yet, but I'm not particularly avoiding spoilers either... *shrug*

rar said...

I know, I liked it too! I'm not sure if there's a plot hole in here somewhere (because he'd have to be pure light DURING BBS, otherwise the whole X-blade thing doesn't work out, and this implies that he might not have been, since Sora helped heal his heart that first time BEFORE BBS and... ugh. My brain.)
It does make sense, though. (Ven remains pure light in my universe, however...)
I'm not sure if there ARE any deeper implications. I mean, I've played KH3D, and I didn't see anything. But... I might've missed something.

KKBeckett said...

Well, it could be a matter of Ven didn't have darkness in his heart again until AFTER Sora healed him? Oh... wait... erm... Well... wait... When did Sora heal him before BBS?
Eh, your universe is different though, so he can be all light.
*shrug* Idk..

rar said...

Sora healed Ven before/at the begging of BBS, after Vanitas was pulled from his heart. Xehanort actually assumed that Ven was going to die, I believe, but Sora saved him (I JUST started playing the game, so the beginning is fresh in my mind...)
Exactly xD

KKBeckett said...

Well, wasn't Sora a baby at the beginning of BBS? You could then argue that he didn't have any darkness in his heart yet to heal Ven with. *shrug* But later, when Sora's like, four... and as he's growing up, he's got darkness.
This assuming the belief that everyone is born with no darkness in their hearts.

rar said...

Of course.
Lol, we're putting a lot of effort into explaining a minor and rather un-important detail. :P