Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blizzard. (Chapter commentary on ASASch38)

Why is Ven practicing his Blizzard magic?


Lol, that's probably going to be the most asked question after reading this. There, I answered it for you. :P

Anyway, as the chapter itself said, this chapter is a companion chapter to ch134 of Dead Inside. Aqua's POV of Sora's Neverland sequence, which I promised (sort of) I'd write. I wrote it.

warningish in advance. I'm sort of just copying my notes directly for this chapter, so sorry if it's hard to follow. This blog doesn't... flow, I realize, reading through it. It's kind of just "points I need to hit blah blah balh" but Idk how to make it flow. Sorry.

my notes then say:
"Haha, let's not use COMPLETELY game-centered terms"
Because I nearly wrote "she skipped over her fira command, not wanting to mess up whatever it was Ven was doing"

Also, playing through BBS again, I realize that I forgot how QUICKLY you tend to activate a Command Style...
that, and launching a Command Style isn't entirely a choice. You get it whether you want it or not. (and if your PSP is as slow as mine, it takes a good minute to load said Command Style, so you're stuck there doing nothing in the middle of a battle until it loads)

I was going to have Ven throw up an ether for himself, but then I realized that he (and the rest of the BBS gang) doesn't have a magic gauge... So, they really CAN'T run out of magic. Huh.
And if this becomes the new game mechanic for future games (as it very likely will), then Sora (and Riku) now can't technically run out of magic, either

Btw, I was GOING to have Aqua call Ven's large Blizzard-attack something... stronger. But, I have no clue what's next up in the list after Blizzaga. The KHwiki doesn't give a clear answer, and neither did the FFwiki. So...

I wonder if spells like Blizzard and Fire actually do affect your body temperature. That'd be interesting, wouldn't it? In any case, I decided that Ven's a bit colder than usual, due to all this Blizzard casting.
Though... Fire would drain your body of heat... right? What would Blizzard/ice-based spells drain your body of?
Maybe it's just being so close to such large Blizzard-type spells that got to him

I find it funny that both this scene and the scene in Neverland with Sora--uh. In both scenes I use parentheses frequently (I started phrasing that wrong...). I've been using dashes in place of parentheses lately, but there's something about these scenes that require parentheses.
It's like parenthetical notes tend to be side notes, so the notes I have in parentheses need to be in parentheses because Aqua and Sora didn't process them quite right away, due to being distracted by the nudging of the charm.
Did that make sense?
Let me put it this way: the observations they made were more side notes than observations, and were thus put in parentheses.

Oh, and then, as usual, Aqua got stuck right in the middle of the chapter. Thankfully, though, I was only stuck for a couple of hours.
I think hiding in my mom's room all day yesterday to avoid being social really helped my writing... lol

And... let's see...

The largeish Heartless that they fight roughly in the middle of the chapter I think I decided is a Wavecrest. It WAS going to be an Avalanche, but then I discovered that the Avalanche is (no surprise) an ice-based Hearltless. So... nope! Can't do that. Ven's Blizzard attack would've done nothing.

And, yes, I realize that the Wavecrest is a battle fought primarily in the sky (like all of the battles in Neverland from Days) but... Aqua and Ven can't fly right now. For some reason. (Even though they are in an area where flight would be beneficial... shh...)

There is a reason why I didn't expand much on battling the Heartless. Because, if the minds of the characters are anything like the minds of the gamers, then battling Heartless--regardless of how large they are--after a while becomes "attack, attack, totally not paying attention to this battle, attack, different attack, why aren't you dead yet? attack, attack..."
So, there. Aqua doesn't have to focus on the Heartless. She's a little distracted at the moment, anyway.

Fervently. *crosses off the "use an uncommon word" from the to-do list for this chapter*

About halfway through writing this, I realized that EVERY SINGLE scene I've written regarding BBS is written from Aqua's POV. And I mean EVERY. SINGLE. SCENE. I have yet to write one from Ven's POV.
except the one that I only started. Considering I never finished it, I'm not counting it...

The thing with Joseph in Twilight Town is from whose POV? Aqua's. 
The scene where Aqua runs into Sora and Kairi on Destiny Islands? Aqua's.
The scene where Aqua fights Terranort? Aqua's POV again!

And then this scene is from Aqua's POV.

I'll write the next one from Ven's...
if it's not in Shad's POV. The only idea I currently have for anything revolving Aqua and Ven is a scene where they run into Shad... and that's likely to end up in Shad's POV, because he hogs the scene. Always.

Another thing I realized while writing this, is that Ven's had a panic attack in nearly every sequence I've put him in (including the notafic crossover...).
And the unwritten scenes I have planned to include Ven include Shad... so... he'll probably have a panic attack in them, too. Heheh...
I feel bad.
I had to get Aqua out of Neverland, though. Having something happen to Ven seemed to be the only way to do so.

(I blame the stupid charm. It was pulling really hard on Aqua for some reason. Well, actually, I know why it was, but I didn't expect it to be so hard to... break it? adslkfj idk what I meant)

See, if I could've thrown Shad into this scene, I would've. That's how hard it was to get Aqua out of Neverland.

However, had I thrown Shad in here... Actually, that's not an "if I had, something bad would've happened". It's an "I just couldn't". I mean, he'd be, what, about 20 feet away from Sora? He's NOT not going to notice that. I don't care WHAT Maleficent  did to the connection between the two of them.

I didn't plan the last two scenes of this chapter. I wrote them because, with what it took to get Aqua out of Neverland, they felt necessary. Well, it felt necessary to cover her returning to Neverland, anyway. Why'd I keep the scene in Traverse Town?

"There ain't no darkness that's going to keep me from helping out one of my best friends!"

I just. I couldn't pass up that line. Could. n't. 

And then... ugh, apologies AGAIN for the possible lackluster quality of the last scene. It feels awfully anti-climatic or something to me. But Aqua wasn't supposed to find anything when she returned. The darkness that Ven felt was actually Sora...
There are further explanations for that, if you wish to have them. It feels like a bit much to go into, right off the bat, because I'll practically be explaining the story for you and I've realized that I don't enjoy doing that. I'll let you draw your own conclusions, and not worry about correcting you if your wrong. Maybe I'll go through at the end of Dead Inside and make a collection of-- no. Too much work. This fic is too long for that.

Now, as for her sensing Terra...

Nope, I think my paragraph (I nearly typed Terragraph, lol) above explains me... not... uh... meh. Idk what I was going for there. I got distracted by the Terragraph.

Was Terra really there? Is my fic different from KH canon? Is Terra even still being controlled by Xehanort in KH canon?

youuu~ doon't~~ knoo~~ww~

*runs off cackling*

Haha, jk. Though, that actually is all I have to say for this chapter. Mwuahahaha!!

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