Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Well great (commentary on ch136)

Now more of you have voted on the poll. I'll have to... plan a scene for Aqua and Ven now. And then figure out where I'm putting Shad, too... (It worked really well when I was just doing Joseph's and Toby's scene paralleling the Namiku scene. But I don't think I could parallel... hmm... maybe I'll scrap that whole beginning thing with the Namiku scene. It drags...)

I'm too lazy to hunt down a video. So... meh


Review replies

both of these are on ch135

from Peach:
Sorry about that. I just write Namiku. I've had no intentions to make you ship it

Sorry about Larxene. I actually like her as a character, but as Riku's my protagonist, well... he's biased me. Oh well. At least there's a few of her Replicas you actually like, right?

Terra's being talkative, that's all

from archsage:
Yes, the Larxene Replicas are getting more development! All the characters are! (At least, it sure seems that way...)



So, uhm, I love R. Saying that again. If I could, in a heartbeat, I'd choose her as the Larxene I kept around. However, her death is important to book 5, so...


*still kind of wants to keep her around even though I've already decided to kill her*


Back when I was writing this, as I was trying to peg exactly what the relationship between R and 7 was, I decided that it kind of reminded me of like... Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Perry. I couldn't peg who, exactly. But it's like they're nemesises (nemesi? what's the plural of nemesis? *looks it up* Oh. Nemeses. Must be Latin. Or Greek. Or whatever language it is that does that (like parenthesis/parentheses)).
Anyway, they're nemeses, but they still poke fun at each other and get along. (Like Dr. D and Perry)

I mean, c'mon:

"I don't know what you're complaining about, you have a wonderful singing voice!"
"Yes, and if I remember correctly, you can't dance"

That's one of my favorite lines of this chapter.

Friendly rivals. That's what they are. Or it's a better way to describe it, anyway.

(Matthew Taranto, writer of Brawl In the Family, used that term to describe Kirby and DeDeDe's relationship. I thought it fitting for what I was trying to express here.)

Oh, btdubs, RVE stands for R Virus Eradicator. In case you're wondering
(And protocol Beta6 removes all traces of the 6 virus)

"How many times do I have to say you only make that mistake twice?"
Originally, she said "once", but then I was repeating it back to myself out loud (because I do that in a room when I'm alone and it's a scene/dialogue I really like... I'm not crazy...) and I accidentally said "twice" and then I was like "heck yeah, I'm changing the dialogue so she says twice!"

Magik said she loved the Demyx virus.

I love it too

(I think it was inspired by the fact I was listening to music from Buffy the Musical around the time of writing this, and I'd recently watched Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog. But, y'know, I needed another virus besides the 6 virus, so... I'll take it!)

In an original idea, I was going to have R be like "spew something technologically complicated at me, I bet I can't understand it!" but I couldn't think of anything for 7 to say, and then the conversation ended up going a different way

I also bounced around the idea of keeping her around for a while. I eventually decided against it, because figuring out just what I was going to do with her if I kept her around gave me a headache. And I'm trying not to spend extra time on extra stuff if I don't have to.

So, since it was simpler to kill her now, I just killed her now
(Well, she hasn't died yet, but... next chapter. You all saw her death coming based on the end of this chapter, did you not? I mean, I think it's a bit obvious)

Yes, R just lost vision for a second there.
It's like what happens when you stand up to fast and the blood rushes to your head or whatever. (That happens to more people than just me, right? I know it happens to me frequently because I'm anemic (at least I THINK that's why it happens to me frequently), but I think it happens to other people...)

If you haven't noticed, R's memory is gradually failing, along with everything else in her data. But memory is apparently the most prominent in her case

So, this chapter is written in sort of Namine's POV. It's somewhere between Namine's and omniscient.

(Let's all just ignore the fact Namine probably has blood on her dress now, shall we?)

And, uh, that's it

For now

Uhm... ah! art by ooFlorianeoo on dA
(magik sent this to me, and apparently it wasn't through a link? Idk... but the file itself didn't have the artists name in it, it was just a string of numbers, hence why I'm confused)

Gah, running out of Christmas/other cool wallpapers

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