Thursday, December 20, 2012

I need to write more (commentary on ch137)

Eh, sorry, I'm to lazy to find a video.

Anyway, I need to write more, because it's less than a week 'til Christmas and I haven't finished the Christmas chapter (which is more winter themed than Christmas themed, but considering that it is somewhere in March in my fic, and I didn't want to have to label the chapter as utterly AU... well, some fudging had to be done, and it's easier to fudge with winter stuff than Christmas stuff...)

So... after I post this chapter and play some LEGO Star Wars with my little sister (I promised...) I need to get writing

I'll make this blog post quick

First off! Review reply-- you know what, I'll reply to reviews when I have more than two of them



WHAT IS THIS MADDNESS! Riku's section of this chapter RHYMES!



had to get that out

I'm beginning to think I should put those X's that separate scenes in each chapter in the document as I'm writing the chapter, so I don't forget to put them in when I upload it to fanfic...

Somewhere in Riku's sequence, I almost put "It was like he was going through the motions". I didn't, but it made me think of Buffy...

"How can I repay--"

Lol. (I have the soundtrack from the Buffy episode "Once More with Feeling", which was a musical)

Speaking of musicals, I had "Slipping" from Dr Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog going through my head while writing this.
It made it very... interesting to write

If you noticed when you read the chapter, this was a scene requested by Organization Number 15. They suggested it back in HB (after Riku'd been stabbed in the chest) saying it'd be "really touching to have a romantic scene between Namine and Riku while he's influenced by the darkness" I paraphrased 
After clarifying what they meant by romantic, they suggested have it be something like in Avatar, episode either three or four (my little sister just watched it today... oddly enough) of season one, where Aang freaks out about Gyatso being killed and goes all Avatar state and Katara calms him down.

I still I think I butchered it.

It's R's fault.

She kept stealing the spotlight.

Maybe I'll write an AU scene that has a similar idea (though there is the "Revenge" AU sequence... and I WILL post that as soon as we get past THAT because Namine went and freaking mentioned-- anyway)

Speaking of said AU revenge sequence... I totally stole parts of this chapter from said sequence. But, y'know... Namine tackling Riku to the ground is something you really can't pass up if you can make it work xD

"Nothing and Everything" by RED fits this chapter
Did you know? "Nothing and Everything" is actually a slower version of "the Fight Inside". I like "Nothing and Everything" better, though, and it fits the tone of this chapter much more accurately

there's this huge rant that I'm just going to copy and paste, because I really don't have time to type it up (my little sister still has a math test she needs to take)

“The monster inside of him” – makes me think of “Monster” by Skillet; a song I’ve always pegged to Sora, because the darkness inside of him is like a beast. Of course, the darkness is/will always be a beast. But Riku’s got more of a monster inside of him than I think Sora will ever have, and that monster is not purely darkness. The darkness feeds the monster, but as ch106 (when the whole “___ the Beast” chapter title trend started) states, the monster is just inside of Riku. It isn’t until ch110, I think (“Feeding the Beast”) that the darkness is introduced into this.

To be completely honest, I blame Larxene for the beast inside of him, because he learned to mimic her actions and cruelty out of self-defense. The cruelty, at least, I blame on Larxene. His quickness to attack whatever has harmed Namine I blame on his false memories and the feelings that stemmed from them. But, even if Namine isn’t at stake, he’s always been quick to attack/lash out. I’m not sure who I blame that on. But that’s not the beast. The cruelty, mainly, is the beast, though those other things manifest itself in that.

It’s a shame the beast doesn’t only manifest itself when Riku is hurt, because then I could say the beast is a self-defense. (And could again blame it on Larxene). The beast is something that lashes out when he is hurt to protect himself. Which, I guess could work. Ch106 has the beast awakening due to his… SDOFISJFOSDFJ about magik’s Namine. Ch108 the beast comes out after Riku’s been stabbed in the chest. Ch110 doesn’t feature the beast itself. Of course, this chapter, the beast comes out when Namine’s been hurt…

But that’s also Namine. So maybe there really isn’t a difference.

And, yes, I have just labeled Riku's cruelty/uncontrollably lashing out/angst as "the beast"
and I suddenly think of Haseo. SKEEEIIITTHH!! Lol, sorry, dot Hack joke

random notes I made to myself while writing this: Too. Soon.

Aw, that's cute. Should I keep it? "No, you have to stay there forever." -- kept it! lol

anyway, I need to stop

have a desktop background from How to Train your Dragon

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