Monday, December 24, 2012

Sheesh I'm tired (commentary on ch138)

Didn't sleep well last night. My house is being torn apart (almost literally) due to a few plumbing issues, and there was a leak in my room, meaning I had to sleep on the couch... yeah...

Maybe I'll sleep better tonight


too lazy to go find a video for you guys. Sorry.

Now... the chapter

oh, wait


Well, only Flightfoot has one I feel the desperate need to reply to.

How long have Riku and Namine been telepathic?

Or "why did it take so long for this to manifest?"

Technically, it first appeared in ch130. But there's not much of a difference.

Anyway, uhm, it's technically--

Actually, I'm too tired to do this right now. I either need to shove food into my body to give it more energy, or... I don't know (I'd go to bed, but I have to wait until everyone else vacates the living room, and my dad's playing LEGO Star Wars and could be up all night). But I don't have enough brain capacity to discuss this at the moment. Tomorrow. Or I'll put it in their couple page (which I need to get around to... writing... heheh)



So, I had "Slipping" from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog in my head while writing this. I know I said that about the last chapter, but, FUN FACT! I wrote these two chapters simultaneously. Or I wrote this one first. Or I wrote bits of this one first, because they were stuck in my head, and I wasn't going to make 7 wait since Riku and Namine weren't talking and he was

(Which is a very bad idea; to put something off when the characters are willing to write it/you're in the mood to write it. I paused  in the middle of a scene I'm writing for Can't Escape, because I had inspiration to write R's death, I believe, and now Vexen won't talk... bleh...)

So uhm

R's death

Wasn't supposed to happen like this

And then 7 was all like "No, I'm going to cradle her in my arms as she dies" and, y'know me. 'Course I agreed to it!

Btw, "Sadness" from the Paper Mario TTYD soundtrack is the theme for this chapter. Just thought I'd let you know

I hate rewriting dialogue from someone else's POV. I always want to change it, but I can't...



I don't have much more specific to say on the chapter. I'll let it speak for itself, I guess. (I'm also dog-tired, which is another reason why I can't come up with anything)


I'll move on

Random writing "to do list" thingy, 'cause I figured you might all want to know. For some reason.

Anyway, so, I'll have a Christmas chapter posted either on Christmas or the day after


I haven't written any more for Dead Inside... Heheh...

I stopped in the middle of writing that scene with Vexen (as mentioned above) to write this. I want to finish said scene with Vexen (and I"m not sure how long that'll take. He got awfully quiet.)

Then I think I'll end up writing one other little side thing a scene with Aqua and Ven to make up for the fact I totally didn't include them in the Christmas chapter

And then I'll get back to Dead Inside

(I still have a ton of things to post to ASAS in the meantime...)

art by Daniel-Link on dA as you can see by the little watermark at the bottom of the page

this is some fancy little artwork based on Super Smash Brothers Brawl


thash it

Well, of course, now that magik has gone to bed (she's sleeping in the living room, too, but she brought a mattress out) and I have brushed my teeth in attempts to go to bed, I'm wide awake


So, I'm going to address a certain something about the previous chapter (ch137) that Xero tne Pyro just brought up (and that magik mentioned when she read this)

R's death, as of ch137, was a bit rushed. I'm aware of this. I wrote the chapter to focus on Riku and Namine, neither of whom would've been focusing enough on R to really pay attention to her death. Namine was too busy trying to get Riku to calm down, and Riku was... well, he's Riku.

Did I write ch138 to fix this mistake?


7 was being talkative, and that's why I wrote ch138. But, it technically resolves the issue (I assume, anyway) so if you want to believe I wrote ch138 to expand on R's sloppy death in ch137, then feel free



so much for being dog-tired


well, I think I'll sit and watch my dad play LEGO Star Wars until it lulls me to sleep or something

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