Monday, December 10, 2012

I'm posting a chapter? (commentary on ch134)

Yeah, uhm, I'm sort of procrastinating... shhhhhh

Anyway, that is awesome, and y'all should watch it. Because it's awesome.

And... I have also discovered that I shouldn't have been listening to the soundtrack from the Buffy Musical, because I have that urge to plot a musical for my fic again (not that'd even work) And... yeah, so I'm trying to get myself focused by posting a chapter...

Because that'll work, lol


oh, do I have any review to reply to? let's start there

No, I don't (well, there are two from KKBeckett, but, no offense, I don't see anything specific to reply to in them...)




You might want to check out previous blog posts, because I've been posting Christmas themed wallpaper, and... stuff



oh yeah, I actually drew what Kairi's new outfit looks like. I'll... upload it later, kay?

So, uhm, Shad's scene was originally supposed to start this chapter, but he was being too mopey about it. I tried to scrap his scene, but it still ended up in the chapter.

Funny story, this chapter was supposed to be three. One for Kairi. One for Shad. One for Sora. Sora's feasibly could be it's own chapter, but Shad was being too mopey to get more than what I did out of him, and I didn't want to drag Kairi's scene out if I didn't have to.


And shaved two chapters off the output of this stupid fic. No one minds that it's taking me so long, is it?

Kairi's thought process in this chapter, "I don't think he's running, I think he's hiding" is something that came to me while doing a character development exercise. It was like "have your character write a letter to the audience describing who they are and stuff" and... hers was the only one I got anywhere with. But, the whole "Tifa thinks he's running, I think he's hiding" is word for word of what she said in the character development thing. Yup. Anyway, having it on hand really made this chapter a bit easier.
I should try and finish everyone else's letter thingies

I also can't tell you how much I hate picking Worlds for characters to be in. (Especially when they ALL want to be in Halloweentown for some reason. What the crap is that?)

Anyway, Kairi ended up in Traverse Town because it seemed like the most likely place for her to get a change of clothes

No clue where Shad is. Maybe he ended up in Halloweentown.

Sora's in Neverland. It's not stated, but he is (I'll mention it when I write his scene from Aqua's POV, which I plan on doing... eventually)

What's funny, is in Kairi's sequence, I started picturing Traverse Town like this concept art I saw for it (you'll find it on the KHwiki on Traverse Town's gallery). It was weird.

I went and ran around Traverse Town for a while, though, to get inspiration for it. I have a game on KH saved at a point (right before the Riku2 battle) that I can run around and kill Heartless in one hit, and nothing is more fun than that.
That was a random bit of info you didn't need to know, though

Shad, you are totally channeling Colin.

He's totally channeling Colin.


*needs to finish that break room scene with the two of them, because it's funny...*

So, Sora's chapter started off the way it did because I needed to explain what'd been going on with him and stuff. Obviously.

I had the middle planned, but I didn't want the chapter to be purely that, because I'm not trying to focus on it THAT MUCH.

But, ohh, all the BOOK 5 FORESHADOWING I'm getting right now (I feel like magik)

Like, this chapter, and then the next sequence with Riku

The middle of this chapter, starting with "something was tugging at him" was something I wrote out of the blue. I had inspiration. Mmhmm.

In the original draft, Sora was a lot more skeptical of the charm, but I scrapped that

Another note, apparently I can write for Pete. Pete.

Like, he just threw himself at the page, which is something I'm not used to. Not with anyone who isn't the main cast, anyway.
So, it was weird writing for him, because it was so easy

Geeze, Sora, I almost feel like that sentence (him being protective over the charm) should belong to Riku. Though, he lacks a good luck charm (and the sentence actually reminds me of the scene on floor 6 where Sora snatches his charm back from Larxene, to be honest)

This scene ended up being longer than intended because Pete started talking.


Also, my fic has turned into some odd conglomeration of KH2 and Days. Have I mentioned that? Because, Pete's gathering Heartless like in Days (you might've noticed that he's trying to do the same thing he was doing in Days, with the fake treasure maps and Hook's greed and stuff) but Maleficent's around so there will be some KH2 elements. (There's also KH2 elements due to the Organization)
It's kinda weird though
But, oh well. Adding Pete into this mix totally fixed a ton of problems I had, so I ain't complaining.

Agh, I had to fudge with Neverland's layout, because I'm totally trying to combine the BBS layout and the Days layout. Considering Days only explores tiny islands out at sea, this should be easy, right? Right?

And I'm getting all these BBS feels. I'm not used to writing these. *shifty glance*


Actually, that didn't make it in.

But he thought about it.

Anyway, that's it, really


*searches for that disclaimer thingy I wrote*

So, uhm, remember when I said that Terra's wayfinder wouldn't affect Sora or whatever?

Well, I hadn't intended it too. Then Terra's like "NOPE!" and I didn't see a point in arguing with him.

Besides, I only said that originally so that people wouldn't be like "oh, bad things are happening to Sora, is that somehow caused by him having Terra's wayfinder?"
Which, Idk WHY I thought anyone would think that, but... whatevskies

Now I'm done

here's your wallpaper!

drawn by ladyjenise on dA.

But Link and Minda are having a snowball fight, and thus I love it.

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