Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Starting anew!

Alright, well, after Posterous, my old blog host, started doing a couple questionable things (deleting mine and my reader's comments, or worse, MOVING them to other blogs. It's also taken nearly two days to update stuff, and... that's just not okay (though, I'm more steamed about the comment issue)) I realized it was time to find myself a new blog.

So, here we are.

My old blog can be found here
Should you need to find it...

Anyway, so... starter post! This is a (continuation) blog for my Kingdom Hearts fanfiction series "Falling to Pieces" which can be found on here

That, of course, just leads to my profile. The first fic is "The Truth Hurts" followed by "Falling to Pieces" followed by "Nothing's Fair" followed by, finally, and the current behemoth I'm working on "Dead Inside"

On this blog I will be posting extra info about the fic - trivia, thoughts about certain things or chapters, etc.

Though, you already know this, don't you...


When I have time (I really need to do school) I will move all the pages over from the old site (guess what, you can comment on pages now!) and post on the old site to link here. I'll also be doing an update to fanfic to direct you guys in this direction.

Sorry for the change, but I'm fed up with posterous! I'd like to be able to read your comments, and I can't do that if it keeps deleting them! (Plus, it moved one of my comments to a very questionable blog - and I'm not the only person who it's done it to! Obviously some cheap way to get that blog to have more views *shakes head in disgust*)

That's all I gotta say! Thanks guys.


Caitlin said...

How is this cool? I can post comments here...

rar said...

Hey look! I can specifically reply to your comment!