We'll get to the update in a bit, but there's a lot been going on since I last posted and, well, I'm gonna talk about all of those things! There's a lot, so, scroll down for a bit and you'll eventually get to the chapter lol.
I'm really sorry to take another hiatus for All that Remains, but man!! This is a long fic!!!! It didn't bug me so much back when I was writing Dead Inside, though I thiiiink that may because I was constantly ten chapters ahead when writing Dead Inside (it being only two/three years into the campaign, vs 5-and-a-half, probably also contributed).
Anyway, I really wanted to hold off until part 3 was over, but, I think it's for the best I take one now!! There are a lot of big things coming up for the end of part 3, and I really need the time to write them, to look them over, to make sure they all fit and are good! I can't really do that if I don't have a buffer and am constantly on a deadline.
The goal of this hiatus is:
- build up my buffer again / finish part 3 when I don't have to worry about update deadlines (it'll be better for that, I promise!)
- finish the Kairi edits to Dead Inside!!! GEEZE!!!! I ended up finding like five (??) more chapters that needed to be updated outside of the Initial Pass, but, look. It's fine. You'll see what I'm doing with them once I'm done. ((Hopefully, within the next few weeks, I'll have part 1 of the Kairi edits finished!))
- write a few non-ftpverse things I've wanted to for a while!!! I wanna write a KHX fic ft my keykid, and also a non-ftpverse KH AU with the Aerith/Leon sibling concept, AND MAYBE!!! Get at least one scene of that KH vs TP AU down, but, idk. IDK!
This is just a real quick plug of Nintendo's new.... MOBILE PHONE APP?? It's called miitomo, and it's basically watered down social media. The concept is you get asked questions and then your questions get told to your friends by their miis, while their answers get told to you by your mii! (Also, your miis have voices, like they do in tomodachi life.)
Like I said, it's kind of Whatever when it comes to the questions/answers thing, but it is pretty fun to dress up your mii in cool clothes (though clothes are suuuuuper expensive, rip), and the BEST part is the miifoto portion. You can insert your mii, your friends' miis, and any mii you make into a photo editor, change the background, change their poses, created funny scenarios, etc. IT'S BASICALLY SOMETHING I'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF!! You kind of got that with AR cards on the 3DS, but not on this scale, and not with this quality.
Maybe you even noticed my icon updated - yup, that's thanks to miitomo!
![]() |
this is me and rarbot, my clone/replica/whatever |
Oh yeah, if you need it, Miitomo's official site is here!
It came out about a week ago, finally, after like a year of being promised it (ok was it really only 6 months since the Japanese version came out?? mb it was) and well!! It's pretty fun!!!
It's certainly not, like, the most entertaining KH game I've ever played and I guess the missions get a little repetitive, but they're all in bite-sized sections (like, shorter than Days' missions by a lot, each can be finished in like >5 minutes in KHUX) and it's pretty easy to sit down every day and do one or two.
Plus, I know important plot stuff comes later, so I'm Sticking Through It.
It's not like I hate it, though!!! I do think it's a lot of fun!!! It's definitely not, like, the greatest game I've ever played, but if you're a KH fan (which, uh, you are if you're reading this blog, probably!) then you should definitely consider downloading it! It's free, after all.
This is my keykid, her name is Eri, she's cute and I love her. She's also constantly tired and isn't here for any of this war bullshit. Please let her take a nap.
Also, I love her so much I DREW HER!!!
PLEASE LOOK AT MY COOL ART!! ISN'T IT COOL!!!!!! I saw someone else draw their keykids and I was like "wtf!! I wanna draw mine!!" SO I JUST!!! I DID!!!!! I'll probably do it some more!!!!!!
Anyway now that that's out of the way.....
- - - > [ Read here! ]
- - - > [ Tag, here! ]
This chapter went through a couple rewrites, because I couldn't quite settle on what I was doing for it. First I was like "Sora will ask Leon the question while Riku's still sitting there!" but that proved difficult (and a little redundant) because it was like I'd Just Fixed things for Riku but, nah, here's a few more things to worry about.
So I made it so Sora asked his question away from Riku, and just to Leon. Then I thought it would mess with the SoShad convo I had planned (and was more attached to) and so I took the Leon conversation out. Then it turned out I still needed it....
Regardless, I think it turned out Pretty Okay in the end, and I got to touch on all the things I wanted (and, provided myself something for later ATR chapters??? nice) so it's pretty nice in the end. Heck yeah!
I see Sora as someone who adds words like buddy and pal and
man and dude onto like, all his sentences. He’s one of those guys that will go
“hey buddy hey pal he friend hey dude hey man” THO I DUNNO IF THAT’S A THING OR JUST, A THING I STARTED
Still. I almost chickened out of it, but, Sora's a guy who says buddy and pal a lot. Probably. If I don't chicken out of it the next time it comes up.
Kano reminded Sora to talk to Leon and I got all melty and smiley!!! aaa!!!
The thing is FtP Sora has ADD, and, while I never totally write it like that, One ADD Thing is that your memory is pretty bad, or at least, you forget to do things a lot. So, the idea of Sora constantly forgetting to do things but, Kano sitting in the back of his head reminding him is Really Good and makes me happy :')
I can never have someone say “yes” they have to say “yeah”
or they feel too formal and stuck up and sometimes I don’t realize but other
times I go “everyone says yeah is that a problem does someone need to say yes,
help” because there are SOOMMMETIMES when yeah feels too casual but yes is too
formal and strict. Rip.
Then again Leon is p casual about it here…. hmm
OH I TOTALLY PLANNED A PARAGRAPH where Sora looked over his
shoulder to Aerith/Riku, saw they were talking, Aerith was smiling. But I
deleted my plans for it on accident before I actually wrote it?? Oh well. That’s fine. this Sora/Leon convo isn’t Super Heavy
but it’s probably heavy enough that no distractions is a good thing.
Anyway, like I said, I'd started writing the Sora/Leon convo and then was like "Wait a minute, isn't this redundant??"
So I took it out and just started writing the SoShad convo. EXCEEPPT, about halfway thru the SoShad convo I hit a wall. I needed Sora to with at least a little confidence be able to go "yeah, I guess they were evil, so I shouldn't worry about it" and he wasn't coming to that on on his own and Kano was Not The Person to tell him that sort of thing, really.
In the end, I was able to narrow down what it was I needed Leon to tell Sora (aka, that, and just that, not anything else) and put the Sora/Leon convo back in, this time only featuring stuff I Really Needed and not all the other stuff I'd considered / planned them talking about.
I was pretty afraid Leon was coming off as a little
insensitive but, let’s be honest, Squall is a big fat realist. He’s always come
off a little less so in KH, and he’s probably a little extra so in ftpverse,
but he’s still a realist in a lot of areas, and this is probably one of them.
It’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s just that Squall the realist,
Leon the realist, can look at the concept of “we had to kill this person, but
because they were evil, it was justified” and go Yup, Totally.
Honestly, if Sora wanted someone who really have worked with
him through the moral struggles of this, he should’ve asked Aerith, because
she’s someone who’d think like he does. Evil
or no, people are people, so, like. hmmmmmmmm.
BUT, WELL, I love you Aerith but I think the SoShad convo
gets me better character development sooooo Sora will ask Leon and not get an answer he's satisfied with. PLUS, WHY SHOULD WE DO
I also had a lot of struggle like, writing about this
because. what do I say? The moment you try and apply real-world morals to fantasy worlds (where, the heroes have done a lot of killing, especially) things start standing on shaky ground.
Not to mention I definitely don't think me, a young adult writing fanfiction, should be the Moral Authority on anything, so, lol.
In the end though, Sora and Leon ended up disagreeing, which means Leon's not really a Moral Authority in the end (which helped a whole ton) and it also provides good.... a lot of things. I just I'm really happy Sora and Leon ended up disagreeing, and that I was able to like, somehow, approach this with the intent Sora'd totally accept what Leon said from the start and end up in a place where that wasn't what happened, and they disagreed.
It's hard to make characters disagree, sometimes, especially when they're on the same side. So I'm pretty happy it turned out this way.
And, I mean, obviously, it works better this way too. It means we get the SoShad convo and it doesn't feel forced or unnecessary because Leon Literally Just Covered This. It'll help out with some other things later on. It also means that I can keep Leon true to his character and have him be the realist ("they were evil so it's fine even if it sucks") instead of forcing him to say something that was Acceptable By All Moral Standards but not really him.
((To get further into this, though I shouldn't: Leon isn't necessarily wrong in the Evil Should Pay For Their Crimes standpoint. But, Sora's "no one's Completely Evil" viewpoint is also true. It conflicts, even in real life, which I guess is why when you try to apply it to video games you just end up with a Heckin Mess.))
Fun fact I learned by reading the dialogue out to myself: Sora fidgets when he lies.
(A lot of physical ticks I let characters have are actually ones I
find myself doing when scripting their dialogue. It probably helps.) ((Ven's ear tugging also came from this.))
Oh, I guess I didn't write myself any notes about the SoShad convo but, uh, idk. I like the convo. I think I'm getting somewhere with the two of them, and that's nice. There's a lot more I feel about it but, man, idk if I'll be able to put it into words.
Also I'm tired and writing these things is hard and honestly if I didn't write out notes as I wrote them I probably would never do these chapter commentary posts -- or if I did, my commentary wouldn't expand much further than "this is how I feel about the chapter, overall". Like, yanno, I've started putting at the top before we get into the "liveblog notes" portion lol.
But yeah!!! That's!!
That's chapter 61.
This chapter mostly wraps up this sequence we've been on. There's one straggling chapter which I got stuck on, but while it ties to this sequence, it doesn't focus on Riku or Sora, nor is it a continuation of this scene specifically.
So, yeah.
I hope you enjoyed that, and while I can't tell you to enjoy the hiatus, I'll tell you to look forward to the end of part 3, because, it is gonna be really good.
Please also look forward to the upcoming Kairi chapters I've edited / rewritten in Dead Inside! I think they're much truer to Kairi's character, and I feel a lot better about Dead Inside and Kairi, having written them. I think Kairi feels a lot better, too!
I should have those up soon! Keep an eye on this blog -- I'll definitely mention it on here!
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