Friday, February 6, 2015

Nothing's Fair chapter 3-5

Recent Stuff

An AU sequence that takes place during Dead Inside has been uploaded to ASAS---Roxas meets magik's Roxas and Xion, and seeing her triggers his suppressed memories, along with a certain failsafe...

Read it here!

((I love this sequence for the Axel/Roxas/Xion interaction))

I came up with an AU of FtPverse called Mirrorverse, and I really love it. It was initially started by an episode of Stargate SG1 that had parallel versions of the SG1 team show up, and I was like "I wanna write shenanigans like this that involve a different set of characters than magik's"

Well, it sort of snowballed into me coming up with all the details about these Mirrorverse counterparts.

The main element of Mirrorverse is SoRiKai dynamic--Namine was never built, and SoRiKai go through KH1 together. The crowning moment is that in CoM, instead of memory manipulation, the Organization creates Replicas of SoRiKai.

So you have a Replica SoRiKai team working for the Organization and the plot of "KH2" turns into "SoRiKai bickering and battling Replica SoRiKai" and it is so good.

I don't have time to write it, of course, or certainly not now, but... Gosh I wish I did.

Mirrorverse has a tag on my tumblr, and perhaps I'll talk about it on this blog at a later date.

Nothing's Fair chapters

Chapter 3 (tag)

Chapter 4 (tag)

Chapter 5 (tag)

This has little to do with Nothing's Fair, but I made a Zerith mix, and I'm super proud of it

I just think that all the songs are REALLY THEM and also really cutesy..... or cutesy minus the last four songs.... heh....

Cosplay is by narga-lifestream--I think magik has posted a lot of their work before, so maybe you recognize them.

Chapter Commentary Time!

Chapter 3

I'd initially planned to do Roxas's intro missions from Axel's POV. Why? I don't even know. And I'm really glad I didn't.

I also really love the bit with the Moogle.

And Axel and Roxas arguing with Saix.

I also was fearing I'd run into trouble writing the Axel/Roxas dynamic, but, gosh, I think it's really hitting it off so far and I'm really proud of it in this chapter and in chapter 4 as well.


In the brainstorm I mentioned that Axel was so proud of Roxas for his declaration that you couldn’t go wrong with free stuff, like “FINALLY. I TAUGHT THIS KID SOMETHING VALUABLE.

Roxas's thoughts about his Keyblade and the Treasure Chest (or how to open it) were semi-inspired by this KH fic "Take this Key" which I have reccommended a thousand times but need to recommend again.

Chapter 4

"Hey, rar, are you really gonna stick with Days gameplay mechanics?" *Sighs, points over at Dead Inside ch164* Yeah.

Though, I mean, while they aren't the most orthodox in the series, Days mechanics are a lot of fun to put into words. Not that they ever ended up coming up in the Nothing's Fair Rewrite after this chapter.... whoops....
(I avoided writing at battles at nearly all costs, though honestly, the story might just be better without it. I wrote out the important battles. That's enough, isn't it?)

I ENDED UP NOT GOING WITH IT but I really liked this paragraph

The laugh sounded sharper than usual—‘then again’ Roxas thinks ‘I don’t see how ANY of his laughs can seem NATURAL, seeing as he lacks a heart. Ugh, I’ll get a hang of this nobody thing eventually’

Roxas was gonna make a quip at Axel “gee if you can really only use fire doesn’t that sound like you’ve been put on a limit too it seems like they’re trying to keep you in line” but it didn’t flow. He’s not angry enough about the magic cast limit—or at Axel—to make a remark like that, and he and Axel aren’t far enough along in their friendship for him to say it jokingly

I wrote a note saying I was going to keep a list of how many times Axel wanted to swear but I censored him--as it turned out, there were really only four or so times and they all came from this chapter. Either he didn't swear, or I forgot to keep the list going. (I probably forgot to keep the list going.) 

This didn't go in the chapter, for obvious reasons, but when Axel goes "JUST KIDDING THERE ARE NO PRETTY GIRLS JUST LARXENES" the nearest Larxene flips him off. 

Chapter 5

This song makes me think of this chapter specifically because of the "I know you want to keep this private, but you can't ask that of me, we only just met" line.

I knew Roxas being utterly lovestruck by Xion was going to be a thing I just… I didn’t expect it to start so soon? Oh well.

((Though actually re-reading the chapter I wonder if it was more obvious in my head than it ended up being on paper?? Idk.))

HE’S NOT TRYING TO BE CREEPY REALLY HE’S ONLY A DAY OLD HE HAS NO CONCEPT OF WHAT IS AND IS NOT ENTIRELY SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE and tbh had she pushed him off one more time he would’ve let her go all he wanted was an explanation not her to stay around

I know Xion and Kairi are not the same person but I am really loving having Xion do things Kairi would do (along with Roxas subconsciously understanding what they mean because he reads them as Sora would read Kairi)

LAUGHS AT THE IDEA OF XION BEING TALLER THAN ROXAS even though I’m fairly certain she got Sora’s short “genes”. Roxas managed to get some of Ven’s tall “genes” but it only gives him an inch on Sora. (I forget if Ven is only an inch or two taller than Sora but he is just slightly taller than Sora.)

Also I mentioned on my tumblr how Roxas's and Xion's rooms are different and this is actually canon, somehow, for some reason. I'm not sure 100% why Axel's and Roxas's rooms are near identical but in Xion's room, the bed is facing a different direction. It's just how it is.

Also in canon none of them have desks or closets but shhhhhhhh. 

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