Saturday, October 11, 2014

All that Remains chapter 1 (+ outfit designs for the main cast)

Hello! Welcome to the first All That Remains -- ATR -- chapter commentary!

That's right, ATR is now up! I planned on waiting another week or so, but I got really excited about it in the car drive today, so here we are.

It's been hardly a week after the conclusion of Dead Inside, and the road to recovery is a long one. Namine won't stop having nightmares. Riku continues to struggle with inner demons. Sora's got a whole mess of problems, between his parents, and the memory of his Shadow... Plus, Xehanort's supposed to come back, and is anyone really prepared for that?

 Sounds like we're off to a good start, right? Totally.

If you want more book 5, er, ATR related stuff, there's a tag for it on my personal tumblr (for developmental notes, etc), and a tag for it on the FTPverse tumblr (featuring some of the developmental notes + pictures).

Also keep an eye on the FtPverse tumblr for character profiles along with the book 5 outfit designs. The FtPverse Character Resource now has pages up for Aqua and Ven, and Terra's profile will be up pretty soon. (Battle descriptions from the character profiles will be added soon, too.)
The "All that Remains" page on this blog will be updated shortly.


I won't repost the first set of promo "art", but I suppose posting an easier-to-see version of the cover image is in order

This isn't the full image, of course, the full image is a whopping 4000x2500 pixels, made for desktop background purposes.
I was going to hold off on posting said full image, since it's more relevant to endgame book 5 than anything else, but, eh, what the hey. Have it now.

obviously this is super tiny, but you shouldn't have a problem downloading it at full size (full size is 1600x950(ish) pixels btw. I didn't see why you needed the full 4000x2500 version)

There you go. A bandaged-and-slightly-bloody-Rolling-Girl-style Riku for your desktop background.

Obviously, this was traced, off of this lovely Kaito Rolling Girl fanart. I did ask for and receive permission before tracing, so no worries about that.


One more thing: Yes, I am pausing ATR after 21 chapters to rewrite Nothing's Fair (aka NFRW)--like I said in ATRch1 itself, I knew if I kept writing ATR, NFRW would never get done. I really really want it to get it done.

I'm not too worried about it, though, since it took me about 3 months to write those 21 chapters of ATR (part 1). 21 chapters in 3 months doesnt seem like a lot, but I'm feeling confident since the ATR doc is currently 50k words and 100 pages. I wrote a nano length novel in 3 months. That's not too shabby.

So, before this gets any longer:

Chapter time + book 5 outfits under the cut

Chapter commentary first, then the outfits.

Read ATRch1 here

ATRch1 tumblr tag here


I asked magik about summaries, and first she gave me:
"but what if Kairi was in it?"
which is funny because. I mean. you can't tell me you've forgotten my attitude to the endgame of dead inside aka "so this is a great scene but what if Kairi was in it?"  and it made me laugh

the second thing she gave me was:
"Riku struggles with his inner demons; Sora struggles with telling his parents the truth; meanwhile, Kairi just wants to bash her head into a wall and Roxas waits for Axel to come back to life."
Which I kinda went with but I included Namine + Xehanort and not Roxas. Had I not ran out of characters..........
(actually had I not ran out of characters I would've had a quote but alas)

I actually.... I actually don't have a lot of notes on this chapter whoops.

The idea of the main four sleeping over at Kairi's house I had in mind before I'd fully finished Dead Inside, and I made a tumblr post about it that was saved to my drafts (seeing as Dead Inside wasn't finished and I couldn't yet say "hey everyone's gonna be okay" because until Dead Inside was finished Namine wasn't and I couldn't spoil that)

I thought it was a really neat idea though, and contemplated actually writing them recounting Dead Inside but..... I probably won't actually do that? It was a fun thought like two months ago but now.... eh....

I didn't meant to give both Sora and Kairi two-story houses but my explanation for doing so is:

It takes up less room. Having a regular sized three bedroom house split into two stories -- living room/kitchen/dining room on the bottom, and bedrooms on the top -- would save room, wouldn't it? And then you can fit in more decent sized houses in a smaller space of land.


That's all I gotta say on the chapter, so let's go to book 5 redesigns now

You saw Riku's up above--though minor changes have been made since then. (The shoulder brace going under his vest for starters)

I'm too embarrassed to post the other versions of Riku's and Namine's because bad drawing skills

but they are here and here on the FtPverse tumblr

Kairi's - which I'm really proud of. based on her kh1 design + a bunch of designs I've seen for kh3 on tumblr (the only one I've been able to hunt down is blah-is-a-rainbow).

concept art + more notes can be found here. It was traced off of this piece of KH1 concept art.

Sora's! - also pretty proud of this one, though not entirely of the drawing skills, just of the design in general. He's wearing green because he's sick of the color red, but he looked too strange without any red so some still sneaked into his design.

concept art + more notes here. traced from the kh2 manga--this panel/page in particular

Also to look at:

their outfits through this dollmaker--all of them are pretty accurate too, (minus some things I had no control of, like the stag beetle design on Sora's shirt.)

Kairi's isn't anywhere near like her final design (this was based on her second (of three) design.) but I imagine this is what she wears when she doesn't anticipate needing to kick enemy butt.


Roxas and Joseph book 5 designs. Joseph's is super hecka accurate, and Roxas's isn't half bad. He's just missing a thousand belts/bangles on his arms--which would look a little like this:

(Roxas's design is rather plain because he doesn't want too much extra things like coats/belts that would hinder him in battle. That's why he only wears belts on his arms, and not actually around his waist. -- and ofc, he only wears the belts because they up his strength or whatever.)

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