Friday, December 13, 2013

WOW LOTS OF UPDATES along with fun fic fact discussion sorta (ch189)

The Timeline has been updated with everything up to ch187! Because I didn't realize I'd uploaded ch188! Oh well!
(Please note that in-story we are about two weeks away from endgame and out-of-story I only have one more plot point WHOAAAAAAA THIS IS CRAZY)

Also the chapter commentary page was updated! I intend to update it every ten chapters but I happened to have spare time...

A couple weeks back
I talked about Christmas for the HB gang and I figured I should let you know because it is that time of year!!

Heh, it would be fitting to put some sort of christmas music here and maybe I will in future posts but instead here is the entirety of Florence + the Machine's live concert in Abbey Road! Why? Because Florence can sing hella good live and if you haven't heard her you need to fix that.
(Also this version of Kiss with a Fist is, in my opinion, much better than the album version. The album version is kind of slow and soft and that?? Doesn't fit the lyrics or implied tone of the song at all.)

Fun fact! This version of Kiss with a Fist and Girl with One Eye are two of Shad's favorite songs, for very obvious reasons. (Those reasons being that they're both very violent songs.)

Also Florence is one of his favorite artists, which I actually did a discussion about on tumblr

If anyone is further curious about my character's music tastes, you should visit the Fic's Music Blog!
(Besides posting music, the tags tend to list fun headcanons concerning said song. Whoo!)

And this isn't completely relevant, but I did appearance headcanons for my characters fairly recently, which you can see here and here

Yeaaaaah I end up posting a lot of fic-things to tumblr now because--as I've stated before--it's a more casual environment and I can post things that are only one or two sentences and not feel too bad. (Blogger is a place where if you don't have a paragraph or two things feel weird.)

Oh! I should link you to the fic-related navigation I have on tumblr. This links to various tags and places where you can find posts that are relevant to the fic and stuff!
Also, if you don't want to follow my personal tumblr (if you happen to have a tumblr--not that you need one! You can see all my posts without signing up for tumblr or following me tho most people should know that?)
There is the fic-centered tumblr for you where I repost all fun headcanons/ideas/thoughts about the fic, along with reblog pictures/music/etc that remind me of the fic!
(The navigation for that blog is here.)
(also please note none of my writing liveblogs are posted on that blog, but that's due to unnecessary clutter and the fact that I've always linked you to said liveblogs, while I tend to forget to link to other fun facts! It completely slipped my mind to link you to the HB gang christmas thoughts until today...)

Aaaand as a general PSA I have updated all of my tumblr tags regarding the fic! Well not all of them, but the "my fic" tags have been changed

My fic = "ftpverse"
updates for my fic = "ftpverse updates"
teaser quotes = "ftpverse teasers"
quotes = "ftpverse quotes"

Just so you know!

Anyyyyyyyyyyway now that I've rambled probably more than necessary, let's talk chapter!

Link to read it!

Link to the tumblr posts about it!

OH AND! As one of the posts in the tumblr tag says--please feel free to interact with any of my characters whenever you so which! That's what their tumblr is for!
Or if you wish to interact through a review, that is fine as well! However, please note that I will more than likely respond to it on tumblr. (I will try to link to it on here if I am not certain you have already seen it.)

Anyway I don't have many notes on this chapter in general, and that's largely because I wrote Shad and his wolf having this conversation a while back, and only needed to edit and expand to it here.

And, yes, Shad has been laying there on the ground since ch184. Which has technically only been a few hours--half a day at most--but I still thought it was funny! Heh.
(Theoretically, if I had to place that not-exactly-canon drabble I wrote with Shad and a group of Heartless, I would probably place it here! Of course, poor Shad, that means he has his heart nearly ripped out three times in one day. Hmmmm maybe I wouldn't put it here...)

I know I've had a thing about Shad's heart lately, and that it has been nearly ripped out twice within the past five chapters, but...? ah? This time was actually very plot relevant and also emphasized/defined what being Bound to someone entails a lot better than a boring conversation where all they did was talk at each other would.

Fun fun fun fact! In the original draft, the wolf called Cloud Hessha ni Knable -- which would translate to... ah well Hessha doesn't translate but that's the Shadow Tongue term for those with a Shadow (Sheto) and Knable is the name of the Fallen Knight of the Shadow Courts.

And it's funny because it's been jokingly canon for a loooooooooong while that Sephiroth is actually said Fallen Knight. The Knight was stripped of his ranks and forced to become a Sheto (a really really low job within the Courts) and actually goes through like six different Hessha, though Cloud is presumably his last.

But yeah. I thought I'd share.

Aaaaaaaaaand I think those are all the notes I even remotely have.

OH BUT ANOTHER REAL QUICK FUN FACT I mentioned it in one of the tumblr posts concerning characters' appearances headcanons but Shad's eyes are actually more yellow than orange. They're a yellow-gold reminiscent of Heartless rather than that orange-gold which is more reminiscent of Xehanort.
(It makes sense because Shad is literally just a glorified Heartless.)


Lemme know if you want me to like?? Port over the more in-depth posts from tumblr onto this blog? Because I can if anyone wants me to.
Posts like the discussing about everyone's appearances and the Christmas headcanons.

Maybe I will....

But not today.



This one is by meru-chan on dA. Gimme a sec to find that link. HERE IT IS.

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