Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"Yay. Back to blocking bullets." (ch144)

Do I have an AMV? Yeah. Am I too lazy to hunt it down and post it? Most definitely. So. No AMV for you. (There was one in the last post, which was review replies.)

Mmm... can't think of anything to say, so I'll cut straight to it and:

Music Suggestions for this chapter - "Swords Crossed" from the Pirates of the Caribbean (Curse of the Black Pearl) soundtrack. And then "Dreams of the Dead" (choir version) by Two Steps from Hell. Both can be found under my ch144 tag on tumblr.

And then for the chapter itself:


Lol, my first note is:
"I keep swapping POVs but, in reality, all that's described probably happens in the matter of seconds."

And then the second one!
"Amaryllis, these are some large words you're using. You're not Vexen. Stop it."

And what??
"I should take all my notes for the next chapter in Spanish?"

~I didn't actually do that, but I should've! Maybe next chapter. I'm going to start writing a new one fairly soon, and I could take my notes in Spanish, lol.

Okay, all these notes seem to start at Amaryllis's POV, so I'm gonna back up and see if I have anything for 7's or Riku's.

Ooh! I found template thoughts! Or. Thoughts. Me writing out character's thoughts and then turning them into story. (They got fancier in later chapters, but I still have something.)

7's thoughts:
Xemnas is here. Snapdragon is injured. Badly. Oh, Snapdragon, don’t get up! You’ll only make things worse! I should go to him. But. Xemnas. We’re doomed. There is no way… how are we getting out of this? And I need to do something about Snapdragon! But what do I do? WE don’t have the Repair Program anymore, do we? And even if we did… I’d have to get him to the computer… I’d have to… Xemnas is in the room. I can’t do anything. Is he going to leave? Or is he just going to stand there and terrify us all. What does that achieve? I mean, I suppose keeping us terrified gives Axel more time to do whatever it is he’s doing. Shouldn’t he have been done with that? And Xemnas is in the room. What is he even here for? Is he involved in this? What is he planning? He certainly can’t be planning to kill us… he’d have done so already… right? Oh, lord, I don’t know! Won’t he just get a move on already? It’s already hopeless, we realize this, stop flaunting that at us by standing there!

~pretty sure all of that made it into the chapter! Whoo!

And then Riku's thoughts aren't interesting. Eh. I'll post 'em anyway. Gonna post a lot of plotting stuff for this raid, actually. I've always liked reading behind-the-scenes plotting stuff for anything (and most of you should know how much I love looking at concept art!) so making that stuff available for you guys isn't much of a problem for me. Because I think maybe you guys'd like it as much as I do. And stuff.

Riku's thoughts/planning:
So, Xigbar stops shooting for a bit, and Riku’s like “hey, pathway to the Computer Room’s open”. But he’s also like “Xemnas is here… maybe I should attack him?” but he second guesses himself, as attacking Xemnas doesn’t entirely seem like a good idea…
“He had a feeling it wouldn’t get him anywhere (or, at least, not anywhere he needed to be in the next few minutes)”
Xigbar has his guns aimed at Riku, prepared to shoot. If Riku heads to the computer room, he gets shot at, but if he heads towards Xemnas, Xigbar’s just like “go ahead! I don’t care!”
            So, toward CompRoom, Xiggy’s like “Do it and I’ll shoot”
            Toward Xemnas, Xiggy’s like “go ahead. I dare you! See how it plays out”
And the look on his face (whether it be smug, or smiling, or knowing, or just that daring) makes Riku second guess Xemnas. Because not only is it probably a bad idea, the look Xigbar’s giving him makes him think something might just go wrong…
            Or something of that sort

~yeah, nothing too interesting, this was just me planning things out. It ended up in the chapter alright, so...

Back to Amaryllis's POV!

Magik described Amaryllis as a "military strategist" sometime ago. At least I think it was Amaryllis. It was ages ago and I can't think of any other Marluxia who was important ages ago and fits the description. Preeetty sure it's him. (Not that I can find the darn thing. I've looked everywhere I think it came up, and I can't fine that particular quote, though I found nearly everything else. Oh welll.)
Regardless, I drew on that idea for this chapter.

Ah! Yes! I remember this tangent I had going in my head.

It was based on the whole thing of Snapdragon and Riku not being good leaders, and I thought this:

Riku'd make a good leader. Really. He thinks on his feet, and everyone for some reason listens to him. However, there is that nasty problem of you put him too close to a Larxene Replica and he has a panic attack. Or Namine's in the same room and he really doesn't pay any attention to anything else. Lol.

Haha! Oh my notes:
" Now is not a good time to randomly think about Q."

~I actually had a brief thought that she'd page him randomly and he'd be like "ugh not now" and be forced to turn the pager off or something, but it never made it in.

Aha, yes, Vexen ran. This note technically goes earlier, but he ran, probably the moment he saw Xemnas. Magik suggested it, actually. And it didn't really surprise me. It seemed very Vexen-like, especially considering he's usually intent on saving his own skin, and there's also that chance he (most likely) fears Xemnas/Xehanort. So... Yeah. Running.
I mean, he might've, might've, had a brief thought before he ran like "oh crap Riku and Xemnas and alskdjf" but... eh... I actually doubt it. (It's Ienzo all over again... yikes!)

I also really like how 7 analyzes terror. 

And, of course, I ended up saying "7 had never felt so useless in his life" but  he corrects himself because. R. R trumps. He certainly felt more useless then--not quite as terrified, but certainly more useless.

"Xigbar. Not Braig. Why is he permanently Braig in my head?"

And... ah...

That looks like it's all of my notes.



Okay! Just to let y'all know, I'll be at Phoenix Comic Con this weekend. Thursday-Sunday. Every day. I'm not sure if any of you are in the area--I doubt it--but if you are, let me know? Otherwise, I'm mainly telling you to let you know that you won't hear too much from me for the rest of this week. I might get posts done on tumblr or something, but not nearly as many.
Oh, and I might post something to ASAS tomorrow. Depends on if I remember. If I don't get it up tomorrow, don't expect it 'til Monday because I sure as crap won't have time this weekend.

Also, in case you're wondering, I'll be cosplaying Link for two days--Friday and Saturday looks like--and then Aerith on Sunday. And on Thursday I'm derping around with Dragon wings that I got from the Ren Fair a while back.
I might do Kagamine Len one of these days, probs Saturday, but I'm getting tired of him... Plus if my friend is going on Saturday I have to be Link to match her Malon so.

And... that's sort of it!

In other news, I have my 3DS and have been playing Kid Icarus: Uprising. It's a wonderful game, but it's been giving me cramps! Aha. My thumb hurt really bad earlier today, and now my arm is cramped up and it hurts to move it too much. Whoooops... I'll have to play for less extended periods of time in the future.

Quick recommendation for this game, though! I could probably recommend you all the video games I've ever played, but Kid Icarus has been really fun! It's fast-paced, has decent gameplay, and absolutely wonderful dialogue! 
If you have the money, I highly suggest picking this up because it's been a lot of fun so far. (And even if it's a "sequel" to the original Kid Icarus, don't worry about it too much. I don't think it's much plot relevant.)

Also, there's this little sucker:

He's only been around for three chapters, but of course he's my favorite! (Though I really love Pit and Palutena, too!!)

Anyway, that's enough of my rambling.

See y'all later!

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