Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Random Song analysis

This is random, admittedly. I just... wanted to post it here because it crossed my mind and why not?



That's the song I'm talking about. "Cat and Mouse" by the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. It popped up in an AMV I was watching like, ten minutes ago, hence why this is in my head

Anyway, just gonna post the lyrics...


Softly we tremble tonight,
picture perfect fading smiles are all that's left in sight,
I said I'd never leave, you'll never change
I'm not satisfied with where I'm at in life.

Am I supposed to be happy?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
You said, you said that you would die for me...

We made plans to grow old,
believe me there was truth in all those stories that I told.
Lost in a simple game cat and mouse,
Are we the same people as before this came to light?

Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
You said, you said that you would die for me...

You must live for me too...
For me too...yeah, yeah...
You said that you would die for me...

Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price
You said, you said that you would die for me...


I had this story forming in my head from the lyrics, and I went and looked the song up on one of those "song meanings" sites to see if any one else came up with the same story and literally NO ONE DID!

I mean, I get their theories/meanings/whatever you want to call them. "Guy and girl in a relationship. The girl changes/abandons boy. Boy sings this song" (I dumbed it down... shh)

But, with the line
"You said that you would die for me"

and the emotion put into the line "You must live for me too"

"You must live for me too"


Did it never occur to anyone that this song was about someone dying? I know that I slap something tragic on everything I'm given, but the tone of the song and the lyrics of it I automatically connect to a couple, and one of them is dying in the other's arms, and cue this song.

Like the first verse sets up the picture. Them trembling in each other's arms as, say, the guy is dying. Namiku shut up and stop applying this song to yourselves! (doesn't help when the next line is "I said I'd never leave you" and if Namine's the one singing alskjf)

And he's told her to be happy, and she's like (in the chorus) "how am I supposed to be happy when all I've ever wanted comes with a price?"


You said that you would die for me...

Like, she's thinking "oh shoot, this is all my fault" because he's probably taken a bullet or some epic magical attack for her (depending on what genre of fiction we're talking) and is now dying because he was protecting her

The second verse verse is the girl like; "hey, this is what we planned to do with our lives. don't give up on it. We're going to keep living and make it come true"

and again the chorus
You said that you would die for me--

you must live for me too!!

And she's crying out, screaming, holding on to him as he's slipping away and begging him not to go and to come back and "please please please don't die I know you promised to die for me if it came to that but please please please don't let it come to this. You have to live. Please."

Still, though...

You said that you would die for me...

And that haunting line repeats at least three times before the song is over and it's the last line of the song, too

Implying that the boy is dead and the girl regrets it. Or vice versa, depending on where you slapped the roles for this. (And there is a chance that it's a friend to a friend, and not two lovers)

But, seriously. Am I the only one who thought of that, based on the lyrics? Flipping seriously? I get that tragic breakups happen more frequently, but that line: "you said that you would die for me" especially coupled with "you must live for me too"...

I just feel those two lines alone imply a death. Just saying. Gonna move on with my life now. Rant over.

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