Thursday, November 8, 2012

I saw Wreck-it Ralph today (commentary on ch132)

It was an amazing movie. There were fun little video game references everywhere (there was graffiti on some wall that said "Aerith lives!" not joking) and the plot was awesome and the characters had depth and there were twists and unsuspected things and... stuff. It was good. You should see it. Now. Find the closest showing, throw on some shoes, and drive to the theaters to see it.

Lol, only joking.

So... this is the part where I link you to that one Hedley song, right?

My Hedley spiel has sort of been drowned in TP music love (see last post for that) and listening to Latino Pop. Don't give me that look. It's educational. Lol.

(Sorry the video player's small. I just don't see the point in messing with HTML to make it larger when it's just a lyric video)

"I won't let you go (darling)" is easily my favorite Hedley song, shortly followed by "Stormy". My favorite Hedley album is, without a doubt, "Storms" (but that's mainly because it only had one questionable song on it, compared to "The Show Must Go"'s six or so, and I don't own the other albums yet)

See, Hedley's kind of hit and miss with their music. Some of it is REALLY good, but others ("Hot mess" and "Cha-ching" come to mind, but I know there's more) aren't any better than the crud they play on the radio these days.
"I won't let you go (darling)" is definitely one of the better ones - all eight minutes of it. If I'm ever upset I turn it on and by the time it's over I'm usually in a better mood.
"Stormy" is just-- Idk, I really love the story it tells. Listen to it here:
I absolutely adore "Hiding Place" and "We are Unbreakable". They have become songs for a certain pairing in my fic - I won't say who (though it's probably a bit obvious)
I love "Heaven's gonna wait" for some odd reason. I can't place why, but I love it.
"For the Nights I Can't Remember" is a really good one, too. It almost reminds me of RepliNami.
"Hands Up", "Scream", and "Bullet for your Dreams" are a BLAST to listen to.

Seriously, Hedley is an amazing band (minus those songs of theirs that are just... ugh). And now that I've ranted about them, I'm going to blog about the chapter


Oh, what, this is the last chapter in the sequence? (is lacking a chapter to post after this) Crap...

So, this room was inspired by the CoM manga. I distinctly remember there being something like this (actually, I distinctly remember Larxene standing in a room similar to this with her fist through one of the screens)

That line about Marluxia was a pain in the butt to get in. I'd planned for Riku and Namine to actually TALK about the Organization as a whole, but Riku took forever talking about Larxene, and I didn't see the point in trying to get him to talk about something else that was painful, so it was cut.
However, I really wanted to make it a point somewhere that Marluxia thought he was "a pathetic waste of space" (shh, I know it says "waste of time and effort" in-story. Same difference.) So I was really glad when Namine went on this tangent about the Organization, because it meant I could bring it up.

I say "Riku's universe" even though he doesn't consider it his. I just needed some way to classify it and didn't feel like taking the time to explain that he didn't consider it his universe because that's just a wordful and would've been a lot to type and a lot for you to read and it would've distracted from what was going on and I'm rambling

What to Larxene in Vexen have in common?
Besides the ability to drive Riku nuts, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Look! Namine just said Floor 13!

"expression tired and eyes pained" - those are two things that you think would go the complete opposite way: "expression pained and eyes tired" but... I felt like writing it the way I did, so... meh.

Goodness Riku, you almost sound like Larxene here with how you emphasize "precious"

I originally wrote Riku's rant about Vexen as if he were yelling, but then KKBeckett said that maybe it would be better if he seethed instead, so I changed it

*whistles innocently*
*totally wrote the wrong pronoun down the first time*

The original idea for this chapter went much differently. Riku was supposed to start hallucinating at the end, but I couldn't make it work. I went the good old "reliving a memory" route instead.

I'd say that this is the second time that Riku has collapsed like this -- blacking out for a second and when his vision/brain clears finding himself on the ground with Namine looking down at him worriedly (the details are exactly that, might I add) -- but that "first" time I'm thinking of doesn't happen until book 5, so, this is the first time.
I probably just confused you all. Sorry about that.

"I slept last night!"
We all know that Riku only needs to sleep once a week or so, so sleeping the night before is a perfectly logical reason to protest against needing sleep now.

I just made like, twenty different edits (most of them minor) to this chapter right now, as I was reading through it.
Not sure what to think about that.

I am going to stop talking now. I'm getting kind of tired.


KKBeckett said...

I saw Wreck-it Ralph opening day! It was SOO amazing!
Am I missing things when I beta? It sounds like I might be... O.O
Hallucinations, eh? Interesting.

rar said...

Magik missed it too. And I did. Don't feel bad, even the best of betas miss things some times. I read through that chapter at least three times and I didn't catch it 'til right before I uploaded it.

rar said...

Oh, and the twenty or so edits I made is an exaggeration, obviously. I think I only made five. And it wasn't anything like fixing typos/grammar mistakes. It was me being "I think I'd like this better if I worded it a different way"
and I have no clue how we all missed me having the wrong pronoun written down (I had "his" instead of "her"). But these things happen.
It's like that one sentence in that one Can't Escape sequence that was missing five words.

KKBeckett said...

I feel really bad. I also feel bad for not responding to this sooner. For some reason, blogger's not emailing me when people comment and I'm trying to figure out if there's a setting for that. O.o

rar said...

Huh. They going to your spam folder in your email? (I had that problem with posterous...)