Monday, November 19, 2012

I can't focus on math... (commentary on ch133)

So I'm uploading a chapter.


Ah man! the one video I wanted to post can only be played on youtube... sigh...

there's the link. (You'd probably need to watch it on youtube, anyway, so that you could read the description and all that)

Here's a different video (I was actually planning on posting them both, so...)

Okay, so, I'm normally not a fan of videos like these two. Y'know, videos where they portray a certain two characters as another character's parents. They're usually... idk, I never like them.

But these two are really well made and aren't too crazy. I'll let you form your own opinion on the first one; I like it just because it's Zerith and it's well made.
This second one was a bit weird at first, because they're using Sora and Kairi to represent Roxas's parents, but the video is well made and tells its story well. The first time I watched it (I've watched it like five times in the past hour) I was like "oh, okay, this has decent editing" and then 2:06 hit and I was like "ohmygoshwhatthecrapthisisamazing"


(Oh crap, I haven't practiced piano today. Shh, I just remembered that wasn't random...)

So, as I said on the chapter itself, I didn't really plan this chapter. I was just sitting in my room, probably just surfing the internet and procrastinating and stuff, when Namine was like "WRITE THIS!!" and I agreed with her to avoid her wrath.
Haha, jk. I agreed becasue I never turn down inspiration.

So, first note on this chapter:
"Yes, Riku does talk in his sleep. He probably always has."

Second note is pointing out that "Gift of Life" by Two Steps from Hell fits this chapter very well.
It especially fits at around the middle of the song, when the vocals start. In my head, that's playing when Namine begins the "I will never leave you" spiel.
Probably because it was playing while I was writing that... so they just clicked together in my head
but I think the emotion of the song fits what Namine's feeling right about then.

Third and final note says that I don't think Riku's nightmares are ALWAYS this bad. But I'm not sure about that...

There are actually two other notes, but they're just yelling at Namine because she's trying to do things it's too early for.

Welp, that's it. Really. So...


Heheh, I meant to mention this, but I forgot.

So, KKBeckett asked why the crap Riku kept questioning whether or not Namine was there, and I was like "I don't know. I actually have no idea what he's dreaming about, 'cept that Larxene's in the second nightmare"
But then, after KKBeckett pointed out that Namine died in one of the dreams (it's a bit obvious, since Riku nearly says "you're alive!" but catches himself and says "you're alright" at the last minute) I... theorized (I sound like Vexen =P) that maybe she died in the first nightmare, and that's why he kept questioning whether or not she was there.

Me and KKBeckett also discussed the fact that Namine's not used to being the strong one, but... eh, there's nothing exciting about that.

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