Saturday, September 22, 2012

I should be... writing... (commentary on ch126)

However, Riku's being a pain. He's been bugging me for the last week (or more, not sure): "Hey, I want to talk about this, get to the scene already!!" and now that I've finally gotten to the scene "I don't want to talk about it anymore..."

I'm like "seriously, dude?"

I mean, as soon as I get him talking, I'm sure I won't be able to get him to stop. But, still...

It's not like we hit that many snags getting here!

I mean, there was the hype about the anniversary, and then the question things I had to write, and then Q - she's finally been introduced in-story!! - was being a pain and didn't want to talk. Which was weird. I've never had a Larxene not want to talk before.


WELCOME TO THE NEW BLOG! Real quick rant about it, kay?

You all know why I've moved - been a little sick of what posterous was doing with comments, and the SLOWNESS of updating was definitely becoming a pain - and to tell the truth I'm kind of glad I did.

I'll miss things about Posterous, like how EASY it is to embed videos, and that it holds your pictures for download, and it has the "sites I like" thing. Maybe I can find one of those on blogger... I haven't looked...
So, I looked, and you'll see my results on the sidebar of the blog. I found something for "sites I like" and the tags (which are technically "labels" here, but whatever) and a search box. WHOO! Also, the link to the old blog has been moved from the pages section to the "sites I like" section. Let me know if you want it moved back.

I really miss the videos thing, though. It's still possible to embed videos here, here, but it's a pain (and the video player is tiny!)

HOWEVER! There are SO MANY customization options! I could mess with colors again, and make it blue! I love blue. Such a pretty color. I like the black and grey with white text and all, but blue! And the fonts! "Cherry Cream Soda" is my new favorite, though "Indie Flower" is a close second!

Quick (sort of) tour.

I realize I have a ton of pages! However, it's only... four more than what I had on Posterous. I have a page that links to the old blog, and the home link, which I felt were necessary. There was no easier way to link back to the home page, and the old blog still has stuff on it! Anyway, so with those two, I was a few pages onto my second row, and I figured "What the hey? Add some more!"

So I did. All pages from the old blog are still there (though the Meltdown Project page is missing a few pictures). And then there are two new pages

Couples - which will link to any posts concerning (well, dedicated to) any pairings in the fic. So far, only SoKai has a post. I might have a Namiku post soon (within the next five chapters) depending on how insistent they (well, Namine; I don't think Riku cares)  are on me writing one. If they aren't insistent, don't expect one for a while. Sorry.
Have a pairing you'd like to have a page? (not that there... really are any other pairings besides SoKai and Namiku. ShadKai? I could write them a page, I suppose...) Go ahead and suggest one!

Characters - which will link to all "Character Corners" posts and any posts that I find are extremely character related. I might have to port a few more posts over...
Want me to do a post (or update a post) about a certain character? Let me know!
(I'm considering adding a "story" section the character posts, describing what happens to them in-story. Lemme know what you think about that idea.)

Any specific posts from the old blog you want me to port over?
Seriously, if there is a specific post, say, my commentary on chapter 120 of Dead Inside that you want ported over her, let me know! I'll go ahead and port it!
Other things I'm thinking of porting over include: the break room stuff, stuff concerning Edd, and I'll comb through the posts for any that I think discusses a character enough to be included in my "character" section/page thing.
Let me know if you want the journal dumps ported over. I probably won't port them if no one wants them.


Onto the chapter!

Hey, look! It's a "Riku-lite" chapter (term inspired by the term for DW episodes that don't have a lot of Doctor in them - "Doctor-lite" (episodes such as "Love and Monsters" and "Blink"))

Yes, there are random tables in Castle Oblivion! Go read the first chapter of Dead Inside! I specify that there are! (I've only used them in the 53rd (special) chapter and now, but they exist!!)

The next portion of my notes rants about Harry Potter. Okay then. I wrote this thing freaking forever ago, though... So... (not entirely sure how these two things are related, actually, but whatever...)

Ah, yes, then I complain about the KH feels that keep hitting me randomly. They've lessened significantly, but the only KH thing I've touched besides my fic is KH2. (Recently, anyway. The original complaint was placed about a month or so ago)

Which, funny storry, I was planning to NOT upgrade my Keyblade until I felt I needed to (when a battle was getting hard or something) because it makes battles fought with a weak Keyblade suddenly seem much easier when you have a stronger Keyblade. However... then Kairi was kidnapped and I went to Twilight Town and got Oathkeeper and was like "OATHKEEPER!! OMG!!" and equipped it immediately. Yup. (And, actually, I think my magic went down when I equipped it! Though, I'm pretty sure the Keyblade I had equipped before that was heavily magic-oriented, so...)

It's okay, Vexen, time here confuses me too! (things that feel like they've been about a month have only been a week. Screws with my brain if I think about it too much. I'm just going to avoid mentioning concrete times for certain things...)

Btw, the Assassin wasn't/isn't (I hope you aren't reading this as you read the chapter, or I'm giving stuff away!) warning them about a raid. It was warning them about 23.
I think.
(there is, technically, a raid after this... so maybe it was warning them of the raid...)

And... conveniently sending Vexen out of the room! (It's a good thing I did, too... I would not have wanted him anywhere near here for the events that are about to take place.)

Writing this became much easier when I slipped into 2's POV

This took me forever to write because I kept stopping in the middle of it to do other things (read Harry Potter with my mom... other things... which I don't remember...)

Oh, and I apparently took a week off (probably for the anniversary) and then had no clue where to go with it when I came back.

Assassins remind me of cats.
Especially of Morwen's cats, for some reason. You should go read the Enchanted Forest chronicles (starting with "Dealing with Dragons") by Patricia C. Wrede. Purely for Morwen's cats. Yes, I know the series is kind of kiddy, and I can read one of the books in a sitting, but they are still good books. And Morwen's cats are hilarious.

Moving on.

Wow, that was random. Considering doing a Character Corner for 19, and I was like "where would I get a picture?" And the thought crossed my mind that - if I could actually draw decently - I'd draw pictures of every important Vexen Replica and make them all have their own little... quirk. Pity I can't draw. Maybe I should try...


"23 did what!?"
Ah... I'll wait to go further into detail on 23's betrayal until after I see your responses.
Still, Joseph makes me laugh.

"Clamor". Love that word. It's like "conglomerate". There are a lot of cool C words. "Cataclysmic."I'm sure there are more.
(it's 1 am and I'm in an odd mood...)

Hi, Q!!
I never thought I'd like a Larxene Replica. Then I started writing for Q...

"Are you my back up?"
"Uhm... sure..."
I bet she's thinking:
"Weirdo! Why the heck would I be his back up? Did he even call for back up? And why would they send me, even if they did? Jeeze."
Though, actually, here thoughts are probably:
"Oh, crap... I'm late... This isn't going well..."

Oh yeah! There are those scenes that I'll need to post to ASAS with Q in them! Soonish! Maybe.

this chapter split sucks.
I mean, it makes sense to split it here, but it still sucks!
Ah well.
I just need to write more so I can post the next chapter soon.

That's it, really.
Sorry about the lack of video. New blog and stuff, and I didn't want this to be terribly long.

Post a comment below!
No, you do not need an account! Just as long as you leave the name you review under we're all good, but you know that!
(and I'm not sure if they'll delete comments if they're too long and you don't have an account. Don't know yet. But that might've been just some stupid thing that posterous did)

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