Thursday, September 20, 2012

Character Corners - Sora's Shadow OLD!

heh, I typed Shad first...

(ignore the fact that you don't think the picture is good, rar, ignore it!)

Name: Sora’s Shadow

Age: Sora’s age, I guess…

Gender: male

Quote: “Oh, so you want me to kick your ass into next Thursday!”

Appearance: Similar to Sora’s, except his hair is jet black, and his eyes are golden and almost ALWAYS filled with amusement. He wears the form of Sora’s dark mode, which is like a reverse Valor Form, as Magik decided to put it.

Weapon: His Keyblade, Binding Chains, but he typically uses the chains alone

Side: his own

Role: Well, his entire purpose in life IS trying to drag Sora into Darkness. I suppose his role though, would just be a pain in the a-butt

First appearance: ch13 of Dead Inside. Properly introduced in ch29.

Personality: Cruel, and always laughing. Very cocky, and very, very conceited.

Full Bio: A dark entity formed from the darkness in Sora’s heart. He doesn’t care about anything, as his only purpose is trying to drag Sora back down into darkness. He does, however, enjoy playing word games designed to weaken his opponent mentally before he takes them down physically. Sora’s Shadow is made entirely of darkness, and isn’t afraid to use that to his advantage. He finds absolutely everything amusing, and is constantly laughing, typically at all the pain he’s caused.

Origin(the not-in-story one): I thought him up while fighting Vanitas (no surprise) and didn’t ORIGINALLY plan on including him at all. He was just a throw away idea. Then of course, he wormed his way in. And nearly EVERYTHING he’s done in this story, he’s thought up himself. I swear, I’ve hardly got ANY control over him….

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