- I am editing Dead Inside.
- Key word: editing, and not rewriting. While I am rewriting a few chapters, I am NOT starting from the beginning and writing the whole thing over again. I don't have the time or the energy for that. (The edits I made to chapters 110-120 are probably the biggest I'll ever make.)
- "Why are you doing this?" A year ago I was mad about how I'd written Kairi and after complaining about it an anon on tumblr was like "hey you could make edits" and then I was like "HEY I COULD MAKE EDITS!!!" and it's continued from there.
- Kairi edits are all done! Check out batch 1 and batch 2 here, and then this post about a few straggling chapters.
- "What's getting edited?" I don't have a complete list yet, but here's what's on the plate:
- deleting romantic SoKai hints. I will probably delete these from previous stories too, but haven't gotten around to it. (I'm limiting myself so that SoKai hint deletion is the only edits I'll make to TTH and FtP, though boy golly would I love to do more. Just, yanno, energy...)
- Editing HB gang chapters a lot. Who the HB gang is now in ATR feels different than who they used to be in Dead Inside (I didn't fully have a handle of their characters in Dead Inside tbh) and so I'd like to make edits to their dialogue and dynamics so it reads more like the HB gang I know and love. Specifically: making the family dynamics clearer.
- I also want to tackle some Kairi dialogue for similar reasons. Who I started writing her as is in the beginning completely different than she ended up being, and it wasn't in a "character development" sense it was a "I didn't understand how I wanted my Kairi to work" sense. This problem probably also exists in TTH and FtP, but I don't think I'll be able to edit those, unfortunately.
- Relatedly: I have to make sure the changes I made in the Big Kairi Edits are consistent with the rest of Dead Inside.
- I need to make sure Kairi's opinions about Sora / other things are in line with what was changed in the Big Kairi Edits
- I have to find all ShadKai instances and tweak them so they're less "Shad has a disgusting crush" and more "they have a weird friendship and maybe Shad is crushing a little but it's not gross".
- Making some details about the Riku and Larxene dynamic more explicit. This is not something I have to do, but it means a lot to me.
- Fixing whatever continuity errors I find. This is vague and I can't even think of any examples.
- Changing parts that either make me go "OH I HATED THIS" or "hmmm maybe this could be executed better?" - I'm trying to have some restraint and only do these kinds of edits if I have to or am just really excited about them
- "When???" GOOD QUESTION. It's a "work in progress". I've finished rereading Dead Inside and have located all the edits I want to do, but they are only going to get done when I have the time and energy. (Both things are hard to come by when you have five other writing projects and also college, though....) Keep an eye on the "di edits" tag for when new ones happen.
- "I can still read Dead Inside while this is going on, right?" YEAH!!! There are continuity errors within Dead Inside itself thanks to the Kairi edits (that Kairi's opinions changed and Shad has a gross crush in some places thing) that you'll have to forgive, but that's the only problem! It's fairly minor, all things considered. Promise.
But Dead Inside is readable as is! And it's good, as is! It's not as good as I'd like it to be, no, but I can't tell you to wait until the edits are done to read it, because I legitimately have no idea how long the edits are gonna take. Please bear with me.
Time for links!
- The "di bloggin" tag on my personal tumblr is a liveblog of me re-reading Dead Inside and talking about things I like / don't like / intend to edit eventually. Also just general commentary about things, is usually amusing when it's not me screaming incoherently because I had some very not-good ideas at the age of 14. (But, maybe me screaming is amusing to you....?)
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